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Python por Mind Map: Python

1. Learn Python Library

1.1. Brief Tour of the Standard Library

1.2. Brief Tour of the Standard Library – Part II

2. Uses of Python

2.1. Web and Internet Development

2.2. Database Access

2.3. Desktop GUIs

2.4. Scientific & Numeric

2.5. Network Programming

2.6. Software & Game Development

3. Frameworks

3.1. Web Programming

3.1.1. Django

3.1.2. Flask

3.2. GUI Development

3.2.1. wxPython

4. Python Programming

4.1. Basics of Python

4.1.1. System Command Lines

4.1.2. IDLE user interface

4.1.3. Numbers and Comparison

4.1.4. Decimal, Sets, Booleans

4.2. String

4.2.1. String Literals

4.2.2. String Methods

4.2.3. String Formatting

4.3. List

4.3.1. List Opertions

4.3.2. Indexing, Slicing

4.3.3. Matrixes

4.4. Tuples

4.4.1. Tuples in action

4.4.2. Files and examples

4.5. Conditional and Looping Statement

4.5.1. If statement

4.5.2. While loop

4.5.3. For loops

4.6. Modules

4.6.1. Module creation

4.6.2. Importing package

5. Types of Operators

5.1. Relational / Comparison

5.1.1. ==

5.1.2. !=

5.1.3. >

5.1.4. <

5.1.5. >=

5.1.6. <=

5.2. Arithmetic

5.2.1. +

5.2.2. -

5.2.3. *

5.2.4. /

5.2.5. //

5.2.6. %

5.2.7. **

5.3. Assignment

5.3.1. =

5.3.2. +=

5.3.3. -=

5.3.4. *=

5.3.5. /=

5.3.6. **=

5.3.7. //=

5.4. Logical

5.4.1. and

5.4.2. or

5.4.3. not

5.5. Indentity

5.5.1. is

5.5.2. is not

5.6. Membership

5.6.1. in

5.6.2. not in

5.7. Bitwise

5.7.1. & (AND)

5.7.2. | (OR)