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python por Mind Map: python

1. features

1.1. Python is a high-level programming language

1.2. Object-Oriented Language

1.3. GUI Programming Support

1.4. High-Level Language

1.5. Extensible feature

1.6. Python is Portable language

1.7. Python is Integrated language

2. history

2.1. Developed by Guido van Rossum

2.2. first released 1991

2.3. Name inspired by ' monty python`s flying circus'

3. Variables in python

4. Date type in python

4.1. Numeric

4.2. Non-numeric

4.3. Sequential

4.4. Boolean

5. Conditional Statements

5.1. If Statements

5.2. If-else Statements

5.3. If-else-If Statements (elif)

5.4. Nested If Statements

6. Loops

6.1. Finite Loop

6.2. Infinite Loop

6.3. break()

6.4. pass()

7. Types of Operetors

7.1. Arithmetic

7.2. Relational \ Comparison

7.3. Assignment

7.4. Logical

7.5. Identity

7.6. Membership

7.7. Bitwise

8. librarys

8.1. TensorFlow

8.2. Scikit-Learn

8.3. Numpy

8.4. Keras

8.5. PyTorch

8.6. LightGBM

8.7. Eli5

8.8. SciPy

9. Applications

9.1. Web Development

9.2. Game Development

9.3. Scientific and Numeric Applications

9.4. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

9.5. Software Development

9.6. Enterprise-level/Business Applications

9.7. Education programs and training courses

9.8. Language Development