Basic concepts and curricular Theory

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Basic concepts and curricular Theory por Mind Map: Basic concepts and curricular Theory

1. Kant

1.1. Education is a structured and systematized process.

1.1.1. He believed that pedagogy seeks to transform the spontaneous process of education into systematic knowledge

1.2. Education is based on empiricism.

1.2.1. Students learn empirically through the application of knowledge.

1.3. Student behavior.

1.3.1. Submissive

1.3.2. Passive obedience

1.3.3. Disciplined

1.4. Stages of learning

1.4.1. First governs a mechanical force that relies on exercise and discipline (theoretical learning).

1.4.2. Second, the learner is allowed to make use of his or her reflective capacity and freedom, which is determined or guided by the laws governing society (learning by doing).

2. Montessori

2.1. Characteristics

2.1.1. Respect for the individual rhythm of each child

2.1.2. Freedom of choice

2.1.3. Freedom of movement

2.2. Children learn from their surroundings, so allow them to explore their environment freely.

2.2.1. "The child, guided by an inner teacher works tirelessly with joy to build man."

2.3. Avoid criticizing a child too much, otherwise he will only learn to judge others.

2.4. Provides a prepared environment: orderly, aesthetic, simple, real, where each element has its reason for being in the development of children.

3. Jean-Jacques Rousseau

3.1. "Liberator of the child and as the father of modern progressive education”essly with joy to build man."

3.1.1. The child would be able to develop the sense of discernment

3.2. Natural processes are better he advised to "fix your eyes on nature, follow the path set by it"

3.2.1. Naturalistic education is developed from the time the child was born until he became an adult

3.2.2. The process of education must start from the understanding the nature of the child, knowing his interests and particularities.

3.2.3. It's wrong to make him know the world at this stage from explanations or books.

3.3. Through sensations the child knows the world around him

3.3.1. Observation

3.3.2. Experimentation

4. Plato

4.1. Established the characteristics of a just society based on education

4.1.1. Leaders would be educated people.

4.1.2. The intellect is developed through the study of mathematics and philosophy.

4.1.3. Those who did not reach high levels of intellect were assigned work according to their abilities.

4.2. Plato's philosophy is his theory of forms or ideas

4.3. He highlighted the importance of education as a model for a society of justice.

5. Aristotle

5.1. He based his reflections on the Christian philosophy of St. Thomas.

5.1.1. He analyzed education from a metaphysical point of view. Where he emphasized the importance of theological studies in philosophy.

5.2. He elaborated a naturalistic and realistic thinking as educational theory.

5.2.1. The objective set for education was to prepare young people, awakening in each of them their intelligence, to assume long-term leadership positions in the tasks of the State and society.

5.2.2. Aristotle followed an educational plan based on five educational periods.

5.3. For Aristotle, education was infinite.

5.3.1. He considered that the arts allowed the individual to develop integrally.