Passive Modals

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Passive Modals por Mind Map: Passive Modals


2. Active Continuous

2.1. Subject + modal verb + verb infinitive "be" verb +ing (+object)

2.1.1. They must be checking the car now.

3. Passive Perfect Continuous

3.1. Subject + modal verb + have + verb past participle "been" ("be") + verb +ing + past participle verb.

3.1.1. The car must have been being checked as I saw it in the workshop.

4. Active Perfect Continuous

4.1. Subject + modal verb + have + verb past participle "been" ("be") + verb +ing (+ object)

4.1.1. The mechanic must have been checking the car as I saw it in the workshop

5. Passive Simple

5.1. Subject + modal verb + verb infinitive "be" + past participle verb (+ adverb)

5.1.1. Cars should be checked regularly.

6. Passive Perfect Simple

6.1. Subject + modal verb + verb infinitive "have" + past participle verb "be"

6.1.1. The car must have been checked by now.

7. Passive Continuous

7.1. Subject + modal verb + be (verb infinitive) + verb +ing + past participle verb (+ adverb)

7.1.1. The car must be being checked now.

8. Active Simple

8.1. Subject + modal + infinitive verb (+ object)

8.1.1. People should check their cars regularly

9. Active Perfect Simple

9.1. Subject + modal verb + have + verb past participle (+ object)

9.1.1. They must have checked the car by now.