History of visual commuincatons

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History of visual commuincatons por Mind Map: History of visual commuincatons

1. The Linotype Machine

1.1. invented the typewriter was christopher sholes

2. Photography

2.1. Konrad Zuse was credited to making the first freely programmable computer

2.2. cave paintings

2.2.1. several themes found in caves are large animals such as bison,horses,deer,etc...,tracing of human hands abstract patterens

3. Pirates of Silicon Valley

3.1. the Lisa computer was named after Steve jobs daughter

3.1.1. Bill Gates philosophy about enemies was keep your close and your enemies closer

4. Sumerians

4.1. theocratic culture ruled by a priest king

4.1.1. skilled artisans who created vases,bowls and other type of pottery music seemed to be an important part of their life

4.2. Sumerians choose the Sumer region to settle of its fertile ground due to the many bodies of water in the area

5. Phonetic Alphabet

5.1. scholars believed it to be a direct variation of hieroglyphics, ties with cuneiform or independent creation no one really knows

6. Hieroglyphics

6.1. found in great pyramids, tombs, and temples

7. The Gutenberg Press

7.1. JOHANNES GUTENBERG introduced book press