American Political Culture

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American Political Culture por Mind Map: American Political Culture

1. Conflictual

1.1. Consensual

2. 20th Century

2.1. Welfare

2.2. Effects of Technology

2.3. Culture Wars

2.3.1. What kind of country OUGHT we live in? Public v Private Morality Orthodox v Progressive

2.4. Capitalism

2.4.1. Free Enterprise

2.4.2. Laissez Faire

3. Religion?

4. Liberty

4.1. Natural Rights

4.2. Minority Rights v Majority Rule

5. Equality

5.1. Same v Fair

5.2. Social & Political

5.3. Equality of Opportunity

5.4. Equal before the Law

6. Individualism

6.1. Myth of the Cowboy

6.2. v Community

7. Citizenship

7.1. Civic Duty

7.2. Patriotism

8. Tolerance

9. Political Efficacy

9.1. Trust in Government

9.2. Internal

9.3. External

10. Populism

10.1. Of, by and for the people

10.2. Democracy

10.2.1. Direct

10.2.2. Representative

10.3. Republic

10.3.1. Rule of Law