Plagiarism by Devon Shutts

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Plagiarism by Devon Shutts por Mind Map: Plagiarism by Devon Shutts

1. Definition

1.1. The unlawful use of someone else’s words, images, or ideas and claiming that they are your own. Plagiarism is also not always intentional!

1.2. This can include images taken off of google, song lyrics, ideas from a source such as sparknotes, or even something that your teacher said that was original to their lecture

2. Consequences

2.1. The consequences of plagiarism often include a failed assignment and even expulsion from a school.

2.2. If the plagiarized material is sold or used publicly, there can also be legal action taken against the person who plagiarized.

3. Prevention

3.1. Use resources such as or Purdue Owl! Double checking your work has never been easier.

3.2. Offer guidance during class time to as students work on their assignments. Giving help throughout the work process can help to ensure that no citation is accidentally missed or done incorrectly.

4. Lesson ideas

4.1. Students will be given 3 quotes, images, or ideas with their corresponding sources on a works cited list. Then, they will look at an example “paper” (1 page long) of a student who used these sources either correctly or incorrectly (each source will be one or the other). The students will highlight the correctly cited sources in yellow, and the plagiarized material in orange.

4.2. Students will play a Kahoot! of quotes, images, songs, and other materials/sources and they will have to vote on whether or not these have to be cited. Round 2 will include answers on the “best” way to cite certain materials within a project or paper (i.e. paraphrasing or direct quotes)

5. Responses to plagiarism

5.1. Have the student re-write their work with the correct citations giving credit to the original source/author. Reiterate the importance of giving credit to others for their ideas and explain why they are losing points in relation to these reasons.

5.2. Explain that you understand it is not always intentional, and that while it can be an accident double checking your work is very important. Even accidental plagiarism can have big consequences depending on the situation, so showing them how to ensure it doesn’t happen again is crucial.