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Alcoholism por Mind Map: Alcoholism

1. Defining alcoholism

1.1. Alcoholism is the inability to control drinking due to both a physical and emotional dependence on alcohol.

2. Health issues

2.1. weaken your immune system

2.2. Heart disease

2.3. Stroke

2.4. Liver disease

2.5. digestive problems

3. depression

3.1. Restlessness

3.2. Loss of interest in hobbies and activities

3.3. Difficulty concentrating

3.4. Decreased energy

3.5. Short tempered

3.6. Insomnia

4. main Cause

4.1. Family History

4.2. Drinking from an Early Age

4.3. Mental Health Disorders

4.4. Stressful Environments

4.5. Peer Pressure

4.6. Lack of Family Supervision

5. Treatment

5.1. Medicine

5.2. Exercise

5.3. Therapist

5.4. In care facilities

5.5. AA meetings