A popular meal from my country that i like to eat

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A popular meal from my country that i like to eat por Mind Map: A popular meal from my country that i like to eat

1. flavor profile

1.1. characterized by their light red hue

1.2. eye-catching appearance

1.3. fresh delicious sea flavours

2. impression

2.1. simple

2.2. very famous dish of the port city of Hai Phong

2.3. quintessential must-try dish

2.4. eye-catching arrangement

2.5. truly an unforgettable dish of Hai Phong.

3. Red Noodle Soup with Crab

3.1. Hai Phong traditional cuisine

3.1.1. local specialty hailing

3.2. comfort food

3.2.1. colorful noodle soup

3.3. staple breakfast dish

4. component

4.1. pork-based broth

4.2. topped with a variety of ingredients

4.3. crab meat

4.4. fresh herbs

4.5. pork balls

4.6. chả lụa sausage

4.7. ground meat wrapped with betel leaves