VR Bicycle Simulator

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VR Bicycle Simulator por Mind Map: VR Bicycle Simulator

1. Research

1.1. Cycling infrastructures and routes.

1.2. How might things wear out or get damaged?

1.3. Understanding cyclists' behaviours and performance.

1.4. Bicycle mechanics and constriction

2. Safety

2.1. What safety factors and possible hazards need to be thought about?

2.2. Risk assessment?

2.3. How will the test subject be monitored whilst in the simulation?

3. Size

3.1. How tall does the bicycle need to be?

3.2. Anything adjustable, eg. saddle, handle bar etc.

3.3. Any size constraints?

4. Design

4.1. How to convey realistic cycling into the design?

4.2. Optimal design for all users?

4.3. Who is the design aimed at?

4.3.1. Key stakeholders

5. Data Collection

5.1. What type of data is being collected?

5.2. How will the data be collected?

5.3. Why are we collecting the data?

6. User group

6.1. Who is the design be aimed at?

6.2. Who is the client or customer?

7. Virtual World

7.1. How many worlds/test routes are needed?

7.2. Immersion

7.2.1. How immersive does it have to be?

7.3. Ideal world for the project?

7.4. What software?

7.4.1. how will the world link to the bicycle?

8. Construction

8.1. Materials

8.1.1. Sustainable?

8.1.2. Cheapest?

8.2. Sensors

8.2.1. heart rate sensors?

8.2.2. what outputs do we need from the sensors?

8.2.3. Where will they be placed?

8.3. Sourcing bike or bike parts?