The importance of didactic games to develop teenage learners' L2 communication skills for A2 le...

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The importance of didactic games to develop teenage learners' L2 communication skills for A2 level in students from the English for Young Learners Program from the UNACH during the spring term of 2022 por Mind Map: The importance of didactic   games to develop teenage learners' L2 communication skills for A2 level in students from the English for Young Learners Program from the UNACH during the spring term of 2022

1. Research Questions

1.1. ‘Which kind of didactic games lead to enhancing the teenage learners' communicative skills in TESOL classrooms?

1.2. Do competitive didactic games boost teenage learners' motivation to learn and use the language?

2. Instruments to collect data

2.1. Observations

2.2. Questionaries

2.3. Different kind of interviews

3. Things to do

3.1. Collect and analyze information

3.2. Oerganize the information founded

3.3. Showing the results

3.4. Having a conclusion

4. Type of Research

4.1. Qualitative

5. Participants

5.1. A group from teenage students A2 level from the Enlgish For Young Learners program from the UNACH

6. When

6.1. Spring term of 2022