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Whole Child por Mind Map: Whole Child

1. Core Values

2. Positive Leadership

2.1. Believers, Dreamers, Doers,

2.2. Pessimists, Naysayers, Critics

3. Mission

3.1. Culture Drives the...

3.2. Look Ahead, not Rear View Mirror

4. Test Scores

4.1. Focus on the roots

4.2. people, relationships, culture


5.1. Share Questions, Equity Seeking Change, Model, At the heart of change is learning, Action, Collaborative Learning, Reflection


6.1. Multiple Perspectives, Empathy, Care, Build Relationships, Respect, Trust, Social and Emotional Support

7. Whole Teacher

8. Community Member

9. Belief

10. Don't Ignore Negativity

11. Empathy

12. We don't give up because it's hard. We give up because we get discouraged

13. Toby Heusser

14. Visionary

14.1. Purpose, Awareness, Support, Continuous Improvement, Create Space, Goals, Student Learning

15. What's your 20th Mile?

16. Hope

17. Optimism

18. Encouragement

19. Self Awareness