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Theories por Mind Map: Theories

1. Learning Theories

1.1. Connectivism

1.1.1. Currency is the intent (most up to date knowledge)

1.1.2. Networking online for students

1.1.3. Active learning

1.1.4. Active learning is a connection to Constructvism

1.2. Constructivism

1.2.1. Roots in philosophy, sociology, education

1.2.2. Human learning is constructed; build knowledge on foundation of previous knowledge

1.2.3. Meaningful learning, actively engaged, problem solving, reflecting, collaborating all have implications of education

1.3. Cognitive Load Theory (CTL)

1.3.1. Information process theory; explains limits of working memory

1.3.2. Extraneous, Intrinsic and Germane

1.3.3. Educational implications such as chunking, repetition, "information landscapes"

2. Technology Theories

2.1. Media Ecology

2.1.1. Study of media environments

2.1.2. Educational implications include technology and techniques of teaching, as well as modes of information

2.1.3. Media logic, medium theory, mediology

2.2. SCOT - Social Construction of Technology

2.2.1. Human action shapes technology

2.2.2. How technology is embedded in social content

2.2.3. Criticized as being an overly narrow theory; is it too narrow a view point to introduce into the classroom?

3. Technology Frameworks

3.1. TPACK

3.1.1. Technology Pedagogy Content Knowledge

3.1.2. Technological knowledge, Content knowledge, Pedagogical knowledge

3.1.3. How these types of knowledge work together to support good teaching

3.1.4. Context is important (grade/age/ability)

3.1.5. Connection to Teachology as a teacher with a philosophy will be also have an idea of how to integrate technological, content and pedagogical knowledge

3.2. Philosophy of Teachology

3.2.1. A teacher's personal philosophy about how they use technology as a teaching tool

3.2.2. Based on personal values and beliefs (teaching philosophy)

3.2.3. View about role technology should play in the classroom and the teaching and learning process

3.2.4. Connection to Media Ecology as your Teachology impacts the techniques and modes of information you use in the classroom