Kinetic Particle Theory

Just an initial demo map, so that you don't start with an empty map list ...

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Kinetic Particle Theory por Mind Map: Kinetic Particle Theory

1. All substances are made up of particles.

1.1. Solid

1.1.1. The particles in a solid are tightly packed together and can only vibrate.

1.1.2. They cannot be pushed any closer together.

1.2. Liquid

1.2.1. The particles in a liquid are in contact with each other, but are arranged randomly.

1.2.2. They can roll over each other, that is why a liquid can be poured.

1.3. Gas

1.3.1. The particles in a gas can move around freely.

1.3.2. There are large spaces between the particles, so they can be pushed closer.

1.3.3. This is why a gas can be compressed.