The Color of Water Group 1 - Period 3 Vocabulary

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The Color of Water Group 1 - Period 3 Vocabulary por Mind Map: The Color of Water Group 1 - Period 3 Vocabulary

1. kosher- Conforming/buying/ serving food in accordance to Jewish dietary laws

2. spry- lively or active

3. candidness- being honest and straightforward in attitude and speech

4. yarmulke-A skullcap worn in public by Orthodox Jewish men

5. modus operandi-The way something operates or works

6. nubian- related to ancient region of southern Egypt and northern Sudan

7. dissipate- to drive away or disperse

8. fervor- intense heat or intensity of emotions

9. synagogue-Jewish place to congregate/ teach judaism

10. mahogany-Hard reddish-brown timber from a tropical tree, used for high-quality furniture.