Human Rights And Freedoms

Human rights are basic rights that belong to all of us simply because we are human. They embody key values in our society such as fairness, dignity, equality and respect.They are an important means of protection for us all, especially those who may face abuse, neglect and isolation. Most importantly, these rights give us power and enable us to speak up and to challenge poor treatment from a public authority. and government.

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Human Rights And Freedoms por Mind Map: Human Rights And Freedoms

1. Human Rights

1.1. Rights to free expression

1.2. Rights to life

1.3. Rights to a fair trial

1.4. Rights to education

1.5. Rights to a private family life

1.6. Rights to security of the person

2. Human Freedoms

2.1. Freedom of religion

2.2. Freedom of speech

2.3. Freedom of expression

2.4. Freedom of association

2.5. Freedom of information

2.6. Freedom from torture and degrading treatment

2.7. Freedom from prejudicial treatment of different categories of people.

2.8. Freedom from male violence aqainst women

2.9. Freedom to challenge official versions of past events.

2.9.1. The Russia/Ukraine operation

2.9.2. The Putin Essay

2.9.3. History of Ukraine

3. Sources of Human Rights And Freedoms

3.1. Common Law

3.2. Magna Carta:(1218)

3.3. Bill of Rights: (1689)

3.4. Universal Declaration of Human Rights: (1948)

3.5. International Court of Justice: (1948)

3.5.1. Crimes Against Humanity

3.6. European Convention on Human Rights (1953)

3.7. UK Human Rights Act: (1998)

3.8. UN Declaration of Hman Duties and Responsibilities (1998)

4. Rights of Nature

4.1. Human Rights and the Environment

4.2. Environmental Obligations of Citizenship

4.3. Ecosystems Are Rights-Bearing Entities

4.4. Global Inequalities Across Political Borders

4.4.1. The Levant

4.5. Ruskin's Law of Help

5. Social Justice And The Common Good

5.1. Doing the Right Thing

5.2. Engaged Buddhism

5.2.1. The UK Movement

5.2.2. Compassion in Action

6. Learning About Human Rights

7. Visualising Human Rights

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