Places visit/view seen by Totto-chan in the school

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Places visit/view seen by Totto-chan in the school por Mind Map: Places visit/view seen by Totto-chan in the school

1. In school ground

1.1. Instead of wall,it's not very spacious

1.2. six abandoned old railroad car as classroom

1.2.1. windows sparkled in the morning sunlight

1.3. surrounded by trees

1.4. flower beds full of red & yellow flowers

2. gate of school

2.1. consisted of 2 rather short post that still had twigs and leaves on them

2.2. fine concrete pillars

2.3. with the name of school in large character

3. headmaster's office

3.1. on right -hand side of a one story building

3.1.1. stood at the top of semicircular flight of about seven stone step opposite the gate