Ideal Client Issue

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Ideal Client Issue por Mind Map: Ideal Client Issue

1. Ideal Client

1.1. Age

1.2. Race

1.3. Sex

1.4. Income

1.5. Interests

1.6. Hobbies

2. Execution

2.1. Where will we meet?

2.2. How often will we meet?

2.2.1. For how many weeks?

2.3. How long will each session be?

2.4. What coaching tools will I use/teach?

2.5. What homework will I have by session?

2.5.1. Session 1

2.5.2. Session 2

2.5.3. Session 3

2.6. How many clients will I have in my group?

2.7. How much will I charge per client?

3. Conceptual Clarity

3.1. Why is my ideal clients' issue a problem?

3.2. How will my group offering address this problem?

3.3. My ideal client will like a group offering because...

3.4. This group idea excites me because...

4. Wrap-up

4.1. How will I wrap-up my group in order to keep up their momentum?

4.2. How can I help them continue making progress on their own?

4.3. What exercises and homework can I use to help them with that progress?