What Video Dimensions should I use?

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What Video Dimensions should I use? por Mind Map: What Video Dimensions should I use?

1. I have specific requirements due to how the video will be published

1.1. The video needs to be embedded in a web page with only a certain amount of space available

1.2. I'm using a hosting service with strict requirements on dimensions

1.3. I'm displaying the video on a TV or other display of a particular size

1.4. I have file size constraints due to how the video will be hosted or published

1.5. I want to distribute my video on a DVD for TV viewing

2. I want my content to be viewable on mobile devices

3. My content is a presentation or something else that is primarily on-screen text

4. I prioritize visual quality/clarity over any other consideration

4.1. Recording = Editing = Production

5. I collaborate with other content creators on my project, who may be using another product entirely

6. I use a fixed size or consistent aspect ratio in all of my recordings or source files

7. My recordings or source files frequently vary in size or proportion