Alternative and Complex Communication Needs

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Alternative and Complex Communication Needs por Mind Map: Alternative and Complex Communication Needs

1. Technique

1.1. The way a mesage is transmitted.

1.2. Direct Selection- direct motor act that is not dependent on time.

1.3. Indirect Selection- Scanning, Directed Scanning and Coded Access.

2. The Assesment Team

2.1. Aid- type of assistive device that is used to send or recieve messages; Electronic- speech generating devices; Strategy-the way symbols are effectively and efficiently conveyed.

2.2. Multidisciplinary Team-parents, teachers, speech language pathologist, physical therapist and etc.

2.3. Comprehensive ACC Assesment-idenifies unmet communuication needs or related to.

2.4. Opportunity Barriers- prevent individuals participation in communication activities; Access Barriers- prevent participation in activities but stem from capabilities, attitudes and resources.

3. Causes of Complex Communication Needs

3.1. Affect areas of speech, language or cognition

3.2. Cerebral Palsy-damage is child before, during or soon after birth; Autism Spectrum Disorder- impaired social reaction.

3.3. Childhood Apraxia of Speech- speech disorder inability to control purposeful speech movements; Traumatic Brain Injury- acquired injury to the brain by traumatic event; Sroke- blood supply to part of the brain is interrupted or when vessel's rupture;

3.4. Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)- deterioration of speech skills, poor functioning,aphonia; Parkinson's Disease- disease of the basal ganglia in the CNS; Dementia- like Alzheimers and Huntungton's like other disorders of brain.

4. ACC

4.1. understanding on how the disorder affects the individual daily lives and identifying ways to help them participate more fully in society.

4.2. Multimodal- cobination of different modalities to meet their goals.

4.3. Complex Communication Needs- severe communication disorders or severe communication impairments.

4.4. Speech Generating Device- produces words that you may not other wise be able to hear.

5. AAC System

5.1. Static- symbols dont require movement or change; Dynamic- symbols require movement or change.

5.2. Symbol- something that stands for something else.

5.3. Aided- Requires a device or accessory that is external to the body to transmit a messgae.

5.4. Unaided- symobls that require only ones body.

6. Communication Competence

6.1. Communication Enviorments- Independent Communication

6.2. Emerging Communication-no reliable method of symbolic expression; Context- Dependent Communication-reliable symbolic communication but only a few; Independent Communication- literate and interact with familiar and unfamiliar.

6.3. Social Roles- roles each person has in society; Social Closeness- reason people interact and communicate; Social Etiquette- be polite and conforming to socail conventions of the culture.

6.4. Iconicity- the degree where symbols visually resemble what they refer to; Opaque- symbol with little resemblance to what it represents.