Bryanna's Lifespan Map

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Bryanna's Lifespan Map por Mind Map: Bryanna's Lifespan Map

1. Infancy & Toddlerhood

1.1. Physical: By the time I was 5 months old my weight had doubled, by my first birthday my weight had tripled, and by the time I had turned 3, my weight was 4 times what it was at birth. My body also began to catch up with my head size, at birth my head was one-quarter of my entire body but by age 2 it was only one-fifth of my body's length. I developed gross motor skills and learned to crawl and walk. My fine motor skills also developed and I learned how to pick up small objects.

1.2. Cognitive: I began to repeat enjoyable actions so that I could experience it more than once. I then learned how to use goal-directed behavior to solve problems and achieve what I wanted. Object permanence began to be understood and I started understand that even though my toy was underneath the pillow, it would still be there if I moved the pillow. I also began saying words, and phrases, and eventually sentences.

1.3. Social: I developed a social smile and began to smile at other people. By 4 months, I could understand some of the emotions of my mom. At 2 years old I began to show empathy toward others. As I have gained more experiences my personality began to deepen.

2. Preschool Years

2.1. Physical: My body growth began to slow down. My brain was growing at a faster rate than the rest of my body and it began to lateralize. Each hemisphere of my brain became more specialized. My fine motor skills had increased and I could now dress myself and draw certain shapes with a crayon. My gross motor skills had also developed more and I could now ride a tricycle and throw a ball with accuracy.

2.2. Cognitive: Through symbolic function and preoperational thought I was able to use symbols, words and objects to represent something else. I cook look at a picture of a banana and know that I also had real bananas in the kitchen. I had not yet masted conservation partly due to my focus on centration. Through centration, I focused on one part of a stimulus and ignored all others. I couldn't understand that other people around me had other perspectives. I gained primitive reasoning abilities and became very curious of my surroundings.

2.3. Social: I began to see myself as an individual and started making some decisions for myself. I felt as if I could do anything and could never fail. I also began to play with girly toys and felt that boys should play with trucks and I should play with dolls.

3. Middle Childhood

3.1. Physical: As I began elementary school I lost my "baby weight" and became lean and tall. My gross motor skills continued to develop and I began taking dance lessons and soccer. My fine motor skills also continued to develop and I learned how to tie my shoes and write in cursive.

3.2. Cognitive: I begin to use logic when approaching a problem and decentering to look at the problem and take multiple aspects into account. My vocabulary increased rapidly while learning up to around 20 new words per day.

3.3. Social: My self-esteem began to develop in a way that I could see certain things that I was great at such as running fast and the monkey bars, while also seeing things that I was not quite as good as others such as my penmanship. I also began to understand mixed emotions and explained them by how I felt inside. I made friends who I spent time with as I aged. Through middle childhood I based my friendships first on other's behavior then on trust and then on psychological closeness.

4. Adolescence

4.1. Physical: As puberty hit and my body began dramatic changes I began to pay more attention to my body but that didn't stop me from eating lots of junk food as I became more independent. Because I was active in sports and had such a small body size, I did not begin menstruating until after many of my friends. Starting menstruation later in adolescence did not effect me in a negative way.

4.2. Cognitive: During this time I gained the ability to think beyond my current situation and think of things that could or might happen. I could think abstractly which lead me to question authority figures instead of accepting everything I heard. I began to have an imaginary audience that would focus on me and everything that I did.

4.3. Social: I could describe myself in a way that others saw me but also how I saw myself. I went through the identity-versus-indentity-confusion stage and tried on different roles to see what fit while trying to understand who I was. I depended on my friends much more than my parents.

5. Early Adulthood

5.1. Physical: I reached my full height and my brain reached its full size and weight. My senses were as sharp as they would ever be. I had to reduce my caloric intake to maintain my health. Stress began to creep into my life and I had to find healthy ways to cope.

5.2. Cognitive: Postformal thought was exhibited as I needed to view situations in shades of gray rather than just black and white. I learned to see things as negotiable and not always clear cut. When I got married and had children my views changed and I had to reevaluate what was important to me.

5.3. Social: As I went through the intimacy-versus-isolation stage, I gained a close, intimate relationship. I learned to be more selfless, have deep devotion, and my sexuality was at a point where I could experience joint pleasure. As my husband and I went through different types of love throughout the years of highs and lows, we always strived for consummate love.

6. Middle Adulthood

6.1. Physical: After reaching my maximum height in early adulthood, my bones began to 'settle' and my height slowly began to decrease as I aged into my late 50's. My body fat also began to increase slightly. By the time I reached 60 years, I had lost about 10% of my maximum strength. My vision changed and I began to have trouble seeing things up close due to presbyopia. My hearing began to decline also but not as much as my vision. I also began the female climacteric and went through menopause during this transition.

6.2. Cognitive: As my fluid intellegence began to decline and I had more trouble with processing information, reasoning, and memory my crystallized intelligence held steady and may have actually improved as I solved puzzles or mysteries. I began to have losses in certain areas but I was able to remain a great worker in my career because of selective optimization as I concentrated on what I needed to know. My long term memory began to decline slightly but my short term and sensory memory stayed strong.

6.3. Social: As a parent and soon to be grandparent, I spent much of my middle adulthood in generativity by making contributions to my family and community. I tried to leave a lasting contribution to those younger than me. I had found meaning in my family and career. As my children left home to start their own lives I struggled to get used to the new normal in my home and had to learn to adjust and embrace the changes and be happy for the time I could spend reconnecting with my husband.

7. Late Adulthood

7.1. Physical: My hair began to turn gray and thin out. My body became wrinkled and I become shorter. My brain became smaller and lighter and the number of brain cells declined. My blood vessels began hardening and shrinking causing reduced ability to pump blood throughout my body. I took a bit longer to do everyday tasks. My eyesight declined making it difficult to drive at night. My hearing abilities also declined. I did not enjoy my food as much as I used to because of a decrease in taste perception and smell sensitivity.

7.2. Cognitive: My short term memory began to fall. But my intelligence and cognitive abilities remained fairly strong with only slight decline.

7.3. Social: I spent a lot of time looking over my life and evaluating it while trying to come to terms with it. I had few regrets and felt that I had fulfilled what came my way throughout life. I tried to cope with aging by accepting it. As I reviewed my life I gained a better understanding of what I went through and I tried to resolve lingering conflicts with people. I stayed active in my community and met with other seniors and tried to spend time with my family.

8. Death & Dying

8.1. Physical: My body was old and disease was common for my age. Most commonly people were dying from cancer, stroke, and heart disease at that old age. My body had been through a lot throughout my life yet I was still shocked when I find out I had cancer.

8.2. Cognitive: I found out from my doctor that I was dying from cancer. I believed that the doctor must have been mistaken. I was in denial. I then realized that I was in fact dying so I tried to bargain with God, asking for a few more years so I could meet my future great grandchildren. I promised to accept death as soon as I met my next great grandchild. I began to sink into a depression when I realized that I didn't have much time left. And finally I accepted my fate. I knew that I would die soon.

8.3. Social: I had faced death before, when many of my old friends had died. I knew that death came to everyone. I was not welcoming death but I knew that it is a part of life and would have to happen to me also.

9. Prenatal & Newborn

9.1. Physical: I began as a zygote until 2 weeks when I became an embryo. I began to develop my organs and basic anatomy. After 8 weeks I became a fetus and began to develop very quickly. I could hear sounds and pass through stages of sleep and wakefulness.At the moment of birth I immediately began to breath on my own. I had reflexes such as the sucking, swallowing, and rooting reflex. I could see colors and even though my auditory system was not yet developed completely, I could hear sounds around me.

9.2. Cognitive: My inherited genes partly began to help with my personality and intelligence development. As soon as I left the womb I had developed habituation which allowed me to learn how to respond to new stimuli.

9.3. Social: As a newborn infant I began modeling behavior of the adults around me. I could also discriminate between moods of happiness and sadness.