Should Teachers Blog?

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Should Teachers Blog? por Mind Map: Should Teachers Blog?

1. students analysing their internet identity as a game

2. For the good of others?

3. Theo

3.1. Teachers should be blogging

3.1.1. Reflections

3.1.2. Things you've discovered

3.1.3. Tips for the classroom

3.1.4. The bigger picture

4. Teachers extending their audience

4.1. School trips

4.2. Staying in touch

5. Internal use of blogs as a communication tool

5.1. Useful to keep blogs private until everyone is competent

5.2. New node

6. Teachers fears

6.1. -public or private- do we have control

6.2. Putting disclaimers on your blog

6.2.1. Speaking personally

6.2.2. Talking about your institution

6.2.3. Talking on behalf of your institution

6.3. can we British tolerate celebrating success

7. Do teachers have the time to use blogs for\ reflection? how can they carve out this\ time?

8. Why are you writing a blog? Ray Fleming

8.1. do you need a disclaimer- not if your blog is personal

8.2. put name at the start of the question so they listen

8.3. Don't get hung up on specific tools: they're transient

9. Bob Hill

9.1. you can set up a blog so that the results are moderated before they go out

10. Establishing a Digital\ Identity

10.1. This is me:

10.2. What's your digital footprint

10.3. New node

11. What kind of blogger are you?

11.1. does blogging decrease your celebrity? does this matter?

11.2. Dai Barnes blogs when he is trying to find his way

12. Part of teacher development

12.1. twitterers are no in the same room as the speaker in the community in the room

13. Joe Nutt

13.1. a blog gives you the affordance of a diary-there is a chronology here

14. Do you use a blog to ask questions - or Twitter?

14.1. twitter - more immediate

14.2. blog - more considered

15. Daniel Needlestone

15.1. you can be critical of yourself without being critical of the school

15.2. blogs about challenges and problems make other professionals feel better

15.3. mainly write mine for sharing professional approaches

16. how many people are hiding behind attention deficit syndrome when they are twittering in sessions

17. Judith

17.1. course materials

17.2. for links

17.3. just testing it out now

18. Is the GTCE our version of the Inquisition?

19. fantastic authentic audience

19.1. they should decide to publish their own

19.2. New Node

20. Standing on the shoulders of giants when you're following others.

20.1. Dai's mum got comments about her essay from all over the world adding comments and helping her- but not doing the essay

21. Drew's blog

21.1. And he reads a lot of others, particularly by students

22. Providing a relevant platform for students

23. Blogs as a form of Personal\ Learning Networks

24. What areas should teachers not touch?

24.1. Is it enough to be anonymous?

24.2. Should one stick to educational issues only?

25. technical recommendations

25.1. Ning

26. David Townsend

26.1. issues of logging on are much the same as other sites:netiquette issues as Beebo

27. Terry Freedman

27.1. ignore things you do not like that do not deserve the oxygen of publicity

27.2. ICT Education

27.3. My rights

27.4. Terry's 2 minute tips

28. Drew on the benefits of serendipity

28.1. Following other blogs

28.1.1. All your heads are down twittering. what an ignorant audience

28.2. Extending an audience of critical readers

28.3. Enhancing learning

29. Blogs as an eportfolio

30. What picture of you will your audience pick up?

31. How undermining is microblogging for the teacher? Can they handle it?

32. Terry Freedman

32.1. to avoid associations with a particular incident wait about 3 months before you blog

33. if you are here you are ahead of 90% of the population on blogging even if you are a beginner

34. Joe

34.1. ipods are a good way of supplementing blogs