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Course 1 por Mind Map: Course 1

1. Chapter 1: Whole Numbers and Decimals

1.1. Whole Numbers

1.1.1. Subtract whole numbers

1.1.2. Multiply whole numbers

1.1.3. Divide whole numbers

1.1.4. Add whole numbers

1.2. Decimals

1.2.1. Order and compare decimals

1.2.2. Add decimals

1.2.3. Subtract decimals

1.2.4. Multiply decimals

1.2.5. Divide decimal by whole number

1.2.6. Model decimals

1.2.7. Estimate and round decimals

1.2.8. Decimals on a number line

1.2.9. Place value

2. Chapter 2: Data & Graphs

2.1. Frequency tables

2.2. Bar graphs

2.3. Line graphs

2.4. Mean

2.5. Median, mode, and range

3. Chapter 3: Patterns and Variables

3.1. Arithmetic and geometric patterns

3.2. Write a rule for a pattern

3.3. Graphing a pattern

4. Chapter 4: Number Theory and Fractions

4.1. Model and compare fractions

4.2. Simplifying fractions

4.3. Convert mixed numbers to improper fractions

4.4. Equivalent fractions

4.5. Convert improper fractions to mixed numbers

5. Chapter 5: Adding and Subtracting Fractions

5.1. Add and subtract mixed numbers

5.2. Add and subtract fractions

6. Chapter 6: Multiplying and Dividing Fractions

6.1. Multiply Fractions

6.2. Divide Mixed Numbers

6.3. Multiply Mixed Numbers

6.4. Divide Fractions

7. Chapter 7: Ratios and proportions

8. Chapter 8: Tools of Geometry

8.1. Classify triangles

8.2. Polygons

8.3. Quadrilaterals

9. Chapter 9: Geometry and Measurement

9.1. Perimeter and Area

9.1.1. Triangles

9.1.2. Rectangles/Parallelograms

9.2. Area of Circles

9.3. Circumference of Circles

10. Chapter 10: Exploring Probability

10.1. Convert fractions, decimals, and percents

10.2. Experimental and theoretical probability

10.3. Tree diagrams

11. Chapter 11: Integers

11.1. Add Integers

11.2. Subtract Integers

11.3. Multiply/Divide Integers

12. Chapter 12: Equations and Inequalities