
Find the right structure and content for your course and set up a syllabus

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1. Project Office

1.1. Item 1

1.2. Item 2

1.3. Item 3

1.4. Item 4

2. Templates (in Team Edition)

2.1. Create a new template

2.2. Edit a template

3. Online Meetings

3.1. Start a Online Meeting

3.2. Join a Online Meeting

4. Shortcuts

4.1. Project Overview <PP_Project>

4.2. Meetings <PP_Project>

4.3. Issues <PP_Project>

4.4. People <PP_Project>

4.5. Actions <PP_Project>

4.6. Documents <PP_Project>

5. Assignments

5.1. Assigning an Action should create a link - <Actions> - <Project>

5.2. Assigning an Issue should create a link - <Issues> - <Project>

5.3. A meeting request should create a link - <Meeting> - <Project>

5.4. Assigning a tasks should create a link - <Tasks> - <Project>

5.5. Sending a document for review should create a link - <Document Name> - <Project>

6. Recent Documents

6.1. Create\Upload\Modify a Document in Documents\Issues\Meetings

6.2. Rename a document in Documents\Document Templates\Meetings\Issues

6.3. Upload a document in Project description

6.4. Upload a document in Conversations