Acts 2 + 3 Vocab

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Acts 2 + 3 Vocab por Mind Map: Acts 2 + 3 Vocab

1. Extenuated

1.1. "The question of his death is enrolled in the Capitol; his glory not extenuated,..." Brutus (pg. 111)

1.2. to make something seem less serious and/or less important

1.3. in this it is Brutus saying that Caesar's accomplishments will not be made seem like they aren't a big thing

2. Portents

2.1. "And these does she apply for warnings and portents." Caesar (pg. 77)

2.2. A sign or warning that something bad will happen.

2.3. This word is important because, it shows that Caesar listened to his wife that something bad will happen, but he refuses to listen to her and goes to the capital insted

3. Palter

3.1. Go back on our word, like a liar or a traitor.

3.2. "Than secret Romans that have spoke the word and will not palter?" Brutus pg 57

3.3. This word is important because it's apart of one of Brutus' speeches where he says that the word of a Roman man is more powerful than taking some oath.

4. Thrice

4.1. three times

4.2. "i thrice times offered him a kingly crown,which he did thrice refuse." mark Antony (p.117)

4.3. this is important because Antony is explaining to the people that Cesar was not ambitious. he is also trying to get the people back on his side to help him avenge Cesar's death.

5. Valor

5.1. " for his fortune, honor for his valor..." Brutus (pg. 111)

5.2. great courage in the face of danger

5.3. Brutus is saying that Caesar will always be honored for his bravery