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Communication por Mind Map: Communication

1. Characteristics of business C

1.1. Give practical information

1.2. Give facts (not vague impressions)

1.3. Give compelling and persuasive arguments and recommendations

1.4. Clarify expectations and results

1.5. Present information in a concise and efficient manner

2. Considering the Audience

2.1. Consider audiences expectations

2.2. Design the communication method to meet those expectations

2.3. Ensure the Material you use is suitable for the intended audience (ease of use)

2.4. Use words and images that are familiar for the intended audience

2.5. Barriers: Noise, distractions, competing messages, filters, human and technological intervention; Channel breakdown

3. Considering giving feedback

3.1. Keep feedback Impersonal

3.2. Be precise

3.3. Be concise

3.4. Discuss improvements rather than faults

3.5. Think through your suggestions carefully

4. Considering getting feedback

4.1. Resist the urge to defend your work

4.2. No feedback on feedback

4.3. Step back and consider the feedback

4.4. React unemotionally

4.5. Be thankful for the feedback

5. Considering ethical and legal communication

5.1. Avoid plagiarism

5.2. Avoid misrepresenting numbers and data

5.3. Ensure all relevant information is included

5.4. Ensure there is no deception

6. Considering planning a business report

6.1. Understand the problem

6.2. Develop a statement of purpose and scope of investigation

6.3. Discuss the tasks to be accomplished

6.4. Describe any resulting products

6.5. Review project assignment, schedules and resource requirements

7. Considering preparing a message

7.1. Use carefully chosen words

7.2. Use powerful words

7.3. Use Connotation and Denotation

7.4. Use familiar words

7.5. Use function and content words correctly

7.6. Avoid buzzwords and use jargon carefully

8. Considering editing a message for clarity

8.1. Break up overly long sentences

8.2. Delete unnecessary words and phrases

8.3. Shorten long words and phrases

8.4. Eliminate redundancies

9. Importance of cultural differences

9.1. Different people (and cultures) have different approaches to learning, different styles of interpersonal interaction and different attitudes towards behaviour in public

9.2. (Learn, Interaction and Behavior)

10. Types of Reports

10.1. Reports to Monitor and Control Operations: These provide feedback and other information for decision making

10.2. Reports to Demonstrate Compliance: These reports show that the company meets formal requirements

10.3. Reports to Implement Policies and Procedures: These communicate organizational „rules and procedures

10.4. Reports to Document Progress: These provide managers or customers with information on project status

11. Considering benefits of business C

11.1. Clearer marketing message

11.2. Stronger business relationships

11.3. Enhanced productivity

11.4. Improved decision making

11.5. early warning of problems

12. Considering the characteristics of a good presenter/tation

12.1. Presenter and Presentation are well prepared

12.2. Clearly structured talk

12.3. Relevant material

12.4. Concise - but covering everythingl relevant

12.5. Smartly dressed

12.6. Confident presenter

12.7. Clear speech and enthusiasm

12.8. Engages with the audience

13. Considering planning a talk

13.1. Consider the main message you want to get across

13.2. Understand the topic

13.3. Structure the talk accordingly

13.4. Decide on titel

13.5. Decide on style

13.6. Write brief notes prior

14. Regarding Interviews

14.1. First impressions are crucial

14.2. Arrive early

14.3. Listen carefully

14.4. Answer clearly

14.5. Dress professionally

14.6. Prepare in advance (regarding questions and answers)

14.7. Identify what qualities they are looking for

14.8. Interviewer sees what you look act, and dress like

14.9. Test your ability to think on your feet

14.10. Check if you have understood the question

15. Regarding different types of listening

15.1. Content listening – understanding and retaining the speakers message

15.2. Critical listening – understanding and evaluating the meaning of the speakers message

15.3. Empathic listening – understanding the speakers feelings and appreciating their point of view

16. Regarding Spreadsheets

16.1. Data can be held in cells

16.2. but cells can also hold formulae Formulae

16.3. Formulae can be used to perform mathematical functions on data held in the spreadsheet

16.4. Data can easily be manipulated to perform “what if?” functions

16.5. Sheets and even different spreadsheets can be linked together

17. Benefits of a Good Listener

17.1. Enjoyment at sharing ideas

17.2. Discovering new Information

17.3. Agreement on some future action

17.4. Increased self of self- worth

17.5. Clearer understanding of own ideas

17.6. Ways of resolving a problem

18. Regarding Charts

18.1. Charts need: Titel, X Y Axis titel & label, legend, grid for clarity, data (in bars or other)