Industrial Revolution

Cause and consequences of the Industrial Revolution

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Industrial Revolution por Mind Map: Industrial Revolution

1. Slow manual production

1.1. Demand for machinery

1.2. Starvation and scarcity in necessities

2. British used water powered machines

2.1. Able to produce cloth cheaply

2.2. More cloth to sell and purchase

3. Samuel Slater planned for the British spinning machine

3.1. Recreated in America

3.2. Cotton was rapidly produced

4. Factories were built to power textiles

4.1. People made more money

4.2. Cheaper clothing and faster production

4.3. Workers couldn't work at home

4.4. Longer work hours

5. Production and upgrades on the musket; establishment of interchangeable parts.

5.1. Rapid production of guns (10,000 could be made)

5.2. Manufacturing time decreased

6. Improvement on the plow

6.1. Rough roots of prairie grasses could be easily cut down

6.2. Faster plowing, less manpower

7. Rapid increase of goods

7.1. Increase in life expectancy

7.2. More affordable goods

7.3. Government involvement increased

8. New ways of marketing goods: displaying the sales

8.1. Able to touch the merchandise

8.2. More appealing to customers

8.3. Establishment of salespeople

9. England had water, coal and iron

9.1. New machines

9.2. Constructing of new buildings

10. More people working in factories to earn money

10.1. Women and children were the cheapest workers

10.2. Men protested and complained

11. Urbanization

11.1. Growth of cities

11.2. Increase of the number of workers in factories

12. Increase of wealthy landowners

12.1. Enclosure on fields

13. Specialization of labour

13.1. Mechanization

13.2. Creation of the assembly line

13.3. Faster production

14. Poor factory conditions

14.1. Dark dirty factories

14.2. Injuries were common

14.3. Strikes, workers complained

15. Class tensions

15.1. Very rich versus wage slaves

15.2. Workers were replaced by machines

16. Increase In government involvement

16.1. Reforms in diplomacy

16.2. Imperialism by powerful countries

17. Rise of global inequality

17.1. Widened gap of the industrial and non-industrialized nations

17.2. Colonization