2012: 14 of the Most Memorable Moments

14 of the most memorable moments that shaped 2012. Felix Baumgartner breaks speed of sound while the Taliban shoot a 15 year old girl for wanting to go to school!

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2012: 14 of the Most Memorable Moments por Mind Map: 2012: 14 of the Most Memorable Moments

1. Barrack Obama wins the 2012 US Presidential Election

2. Spain won the UEFA Cup

3. 2012 London Olympic Games

4. Taliban in Pakistan decide it's ok to shoot a 15 year old girl for going to school - Malala Yousufzai

5. Lance Armstrong revealed as a cheat

6. Chelsea beat Bayern Munich in the UEFA Champions League Final

7. New York Giants become the first team to win a Super Bowl in 4 different decades

8. Europe wins the Ryder Cup on US soil at the Medinah GC in Illinois

9. New York Stock Exchange closes for 2 days because of Hurricane Sandy

10. Felix Baumgartner sky dives from 39km

11. Higgs Boson experiment - CERN announces the discovery of a new particle

12. 620 million Indians left with no power in the worst power outage in world history

13. Curiosity successfully lands on Mars

14. The UN General Assembly approves a motion granting Palestine non-member observer state status