Learning media & Techonology

learning media and technology

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Learning media & Techonology por Mind Map: Learning media & Techonology

1. Issues or problems

1.1. 1. There are still many people who think that learning media and technology is very difficult.

1.2. 2. Minimal mastery of learning media and technology.

1.3. 3. Knowledge of learning media and technology that is not so broad.

1.4. 4. There are conditions that are less familiar in the use of learning media and technology.

2. What I want to do?

2.1. 1. Provide motivation that in using learning media and technology it is quite easy and certainly brings many benefits.

2.2. 2. Provide teaching about learning media and technology about how to use it.

2.3. 3. Provide socialization of knowledge about learning media and technology.

2.4. 4. Starting to invite to understand and get used to using learning media and technology.

3. Why did I do it?

3.1. 1. I think that in tis rapidly developing era, the use of learning media and tectechnologyhnology is very necessary so that there is no opinion that using learning media and technology is difficult.

3.2. 2. By teaching learning media and technology to the public, it will open an understanding of learning media and technology.

3.3. 3. Through the dissemination of knowledge about learning media and technology, people will be able to compete in the midst of a globalized world and of course not be left behind in science and technology.

3.4. 4. By starting to use learning media and technology will be able to facilitate human work and will certainly improve skills.

4. How will I do it?

4.1. 1. Practice or introduce the use of learning media and technology.

4.2. 2. Able to provide examples of training and use of learning media and technology through youtube or blogs on the internet.

4.3. 3. Willing to share knowledge by accepting criticism and suggestions related to the socialization of learning media and technology.

4.4. Giving examples of existing tasks or work will feel easy to do using learning media and technology.