Dawn Wooldridge 2013

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Dawn Wooldridge 2013 por Mind Map: Dawn Wooldridge 2013

1. Overcoming Objections

1.1. I know someone in real estate

1.2. Not Ready to buy or sell

1.3. I'm going to sell FSBO

1.4. Buy and Sell with you / Cut commissions

1.5. Keep my promise to use past agent

1.6. What makes you different

1.7. Why are you less than everyone else

1.8. I'll sell when the values go up

1.9. How much advertising will you do

1.10. You look like you are to busy

1.11. Find a home before they put it up for sale

1.12. I want to shop around

1.13. If I sell it my self will you cut commission

1.14. I need to finish some projects

1.15. Your office is not close to our home

1.16. We will list after the holidays

1.17. How to overcome the transaction fee

1.18. Do you hold open houses

1.19. What if I have an exclusive buyer

1.20. And Many Others

1.21. Owe more than what my home is worth

2. Fear

2.1. Fear of failure

2.2. Fear of looking bad

2.3. Fear of loosing the dream

2.4. Uncertainty of the future

2.5. Fear of rejection

2.6. Fear of not knowing what to say

2.7. Fear of not being techie

2.8. Fear of warm and cold calling

2.9. Fear of competition

2.10. Sounding stupid / Lack of knowledge

2.11. Lack of Income

3. Buyers and Sellers

3.1. Sphere Of Influence

3.2. Open Houses

3.3. Groups

3.4. Fellowship places

3.5. Social Media

3.6. Farming

3.7. Current Listings

3.8. Brokers Current listings

3.9. Craigslist

3.10. FSBO

3.11. Builders

3.12. Expired Listings

3.13. Reticular Activator

3.14. Business To Business Owners

3.15. Where are you getting your business from now

3.15.1. Fsbo

3.15.2. Builders

3.15.3. Past Clients

4. Follow Up

4.1. Clarity Of Followup

4.2. Basics of follow up, Email, Phone, Video

4.3. Prelisting

4.4. Listing

4.4.1. Weekly Report

4.4.2. Hits Report

4.5. After close

4.5.1. Broadcast my move

4.6. When to follow up

4.7. What to say

4.8. Social Media / Like, Connect, follow and subscribe

4.8.1. Interaction

4.8.2. Engagement

4.9. What system to use

4.10. Value of follow up

4.11. Fear of failure

4.12. Fear of rejection

4.13. Google Docs

4.14. Done for you

5. Technology

5.1. Logging In to EPS

5.2. Adding Properties

5.3. Listing Presentation

5.4. Power point presentation

5.5. Animoto for interaction and engagement

5.6. Activating Personal Website

5.7. Buyers presentation

5.8. Broadcast my move

5.9. blogging

5.10. Virtual Assistance

5.11. Craigslist

5.12. Sign riders

5.13. Presenting Join.me

5.14. Sounding Stupid / Lack of new tools

6. Overwhelmed

6.1. 80/20

6.2. don't know where to start

6.3. Lack of income

6.4. To much on my plate

6.5. Fear of failure

6.6. Fear of the unknown

6.7. Lack of listings

6.8. Lack of buyers

6.9. No assistant, do I need one?

6.10. What An Assistant can or should do

6.11. No follow up in place

6.12. Lack of clarity

6.13. No money for marketing

6.14. Sole Income earner

6.15. People don't like me

6.16. Lack of sales skills

6.17. Lack of communication skills

6.18. Lack of presentation skills

7. Clarity

7.1. Goals

7.2. Plan in place

8. Presenting EPS

8.1. Results In Advance

8.2. Prelisting

8.2.1. listing presentation

8.2.2. Buyer presentation

8.2.3. FSBO

8.2.4. Builder

8.2.5. Plogging

8.3. Listing

8.3.1. QR code

8.3.2. Text code / Capture

8.3.3. Website

8.3.4. Unlimited Photos

8.3.5. Spokes person

8.3.6. Plogging

8.3.7. Craigslist

8.3.8. Back page

8.3.9. Weekly Updates

8.3.10. Hits report

8.4. After close

8.4.1. Broadcast my move

8.5. Screen sharing from office or home

8.6. Broadcast my move