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Verdensborgeren por Mind Map: Verdensborgeren

1. Global citizen

1.1. Something we strive towards

2. Culture

2.1. Critical awereness

2.2. Essensial or non-essensial

2.3. Orientalism (Said)

2.4. Power

3. Intercultural learning / education

3.1. Perspectives

3.2. Decentering

4. Identity

4.1. Intersectionality

4.1.1. Race

4.1.2. Nationality

4.1.3. Religion

4.1.4. Sexuality

4.2. Representation

4.2.1. Blind spots Privelage

4.3. Misrepresentation

4.3.1. Stereotypes Auhtor bias

4.4. Power

5. Cycle model for intercultural education

5.1. Noticing

5.1.1. Key problems (Klafki)

5.1.2. Reading

5.1.3. other modalities

5.2. Comparing

5.2.1. Reflect own life

5.2.2. Awareness of perspectives

5.2.3. develop own identity

5.3. Reflecting

5.3.1. decentering

5.3.2. develop own identity

5.3.3. contextualising

5.4. Interacting

5.4.1. develop own identity

5.4.2. Producing

5.4.3. Examine

6. European/Danish/Western bias

6.1. Colonialism

6.1.1. Marginalized groups

6.2. Othering

7. Cultural dimensions of language

7.1. semantic-pragmatic

7.1.1. Transferance

7.2. Identity

7.3. Poetic

7.3.1. Playing with the language

8. Imagined communities (Benedict)

8.1. Banal nationalism

8.1.1. National hierachy

8.2. Landeskunde

9. Literacy

9.1. Multimodality

9.2. critical media literacy

9.2.1. author identity

9.2.2. representation

9.2.3. source criticism

9.2.4. subtexuality

9.2.5. author position

9.2.6. Didactic texts

9.2.7. authentic texts

10. Student engagement

10.1. Klafki

10.1.1. epochal key problems

11. Interdiciplinarity

12. Language and culture

13. Evaluation?