Life Plan

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Life Plan por Mind Map: Life Plan

1. Friends

1.1. Support

1.2. 02/11/2013 Afrah Saleem

1.3. Always there to help you

1.4. Another shoulder for you

1.5. Help you in every situation

1.6. Guide you

1.7. Facebook

1.8. Tumblr

2. Career

2.1. Future

2.2. 02/11/2013 Afrah Saleem

2.3. Ambition

2.4. You may lead to obstacles

2.5. Believe in what you do

2.6. Success

2.7. Making money

3. Hobbies

3.1. My Favorites

3.2. 02/11/2013 Afrah Saleem

3.3. Interacting with people

3.4. Traveling

3.5. Reading

3.6. Learning about new things

3.7. Shopping

3.8. Skating

3.9. Playing Games

3.10. Adventure new things

4. Business

4.1. Get new consumers

4.2. 02/11/2013 Afrah Saleem

4.3. Improve salary

4.4. Profit

4.5. Marketing

4.6. Developing a new product or a service for your consumers

4.7. Competition

4.8. Finance

5. Family

5.1. Strength

5.2. 02/11/2013 Afrah Saleem

5.3. Caring

5.4. Love

5.5. Responsibilities

5.6. Happiness

5.7. Family is a shoulder that always helps you get up

5.8. Guides you

6. Health

6.1. Doctor

6.2. 02/11/2013 Afrah Saleem

6.3. Development

6.4. Diseases

6.5. A persons life is depended on its health

6.6. Healthy Food

6.7. Exercise