Librarian as Literacy Facilitator

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Librarian as Literacy Facilitator por Mind Map: Librarian as Literacy Facilitator

1. promotes "literacy" through participation of reading programs (e.g., Blue Spruce, Urban Voices)

2. models effective use of technology (e.g., smart board, computers) to support literacy

3. weeds out "old" materials

4. provides a balance of texts at different reading levels to reach all readers

5. takes into account various learning styles, preferences

6. supports book clubs, book fairs etc

7. advocates for the library and its needs

8. builds positive partnerships with staff

9. effective collaboration with team teachers

10. provides "rich"text to support content area (e.g., science, social studies etc)

11. Promotes effective strategy use

12. keeps library up-to- date with books on current topics, hit topics, in additional to past issues

13. access to databases, catalogues, assistive devices

14. includes community

15. invites quest speakers, authors, artists