What are the conventions of Gothic Horror?

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What are the conventions of Gothic Horror? por Mind Map: What are the conventions of Gothic Horror?

1. Theme

1.1. Temptation

1.2. death

1.3. Expolring the human mind

1.4. Horror

2. Plot

2.1. killing/death

2.2. good being manipulated by the evil

2.2.1. The corruption of the inocent

2.3. A closet and wardrobe or vent as a hiding spot

2.4. scary

2.5. damsel in distress

2.6. The monster usually chasing

3. Setting

3.1. Castle

3.1.1. Grand bulding in disrepair

3.2. Decrepid mansion

3.2.1. A lot of mirrors

3.3. house in the woods

3.4. Creepy forest

3.4.1. Monster running rampant

4. Character

4.1. damsel in distress

4.2. monster

4.2.1. zombie

4.2.2. vampire

4.2.3. werewolf

4.3. the protagonist

4.4. ghosts

4.5. شر(Evil)

5. hi there

6. hi