Pastiche Ideas Brainstorm

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Pastiche Ideas Brainstorm por Mind Map: Pastiche Ideas Brainstorm

1. Waste

1.1. Too many backpacks, waste of space

1.1.1. Results in crowded cafeteria lines

1.2. laptops

1.3. School starts too early

2. Hipocracy

2.1. Teachers demand students to complete an assignment in short amount of time, takes long time to grade

3. Folly

3.1. kjh

4. Ignorance

4.1. Metal music does not make you misbehave

5. Inequality

5.1. Racism

6. Injustice

7. Corruption

8. Cafeteria, too crowded

9. Flaw with school system, exams only tests a student's ability to store information in their head