EE Cummings Poem

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EE Cummings Poem por Mind Map: EE Cummings Poem

1. Sarcasm

1.1. He left out word of star spangled banner

1.2. He doesn't capitlaize words like god and America

1.3. He used words like gorry which seem to immature

2. Blind Patriotism

2.1. they are rushing to the lions blindly ready to be slaughtered kind of without thinking it through

2.2. voice of liberty will be mute. what good is that going to do?

2.3. happy dead like he is not thinking it through. he doesn't even discuss what he is fighting for

3. Two Voices

3.1. soldiers voice is young like deafanddumb and by gosh but then there is sly mocking undertone like blind slaughter of the lions whichi think is reference to Rome