GK Building A Nation Interim

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GK Building A Nation Interim por Mind Map: GK Building A Nation Interim

1. Gawad Kalinga

1.1. Manggahan Village

1.2. Children

1.3. Playtime

1.4. Backbreaking labor

1.5. Cement Mixing

1.6. Gravel Exchanges

1.7. Teamwork with everyone

1.8. Fun

2. Mountain Trekking

2.1. Mount Pinatubo

2.2. Waking up at 3 am

2.3. Very wild terrain

2.4. Jeepney Ride

2.5. Fun

3. Teenage Stuff

3.1. Shopping at the malls

3.2. Eating food

3.3. Good Food

3.4. Free Time

3.5. Bonding Experience

3.6. Meeting new people

4. Performances

5. Tagaytay School