Erikas story

Just an initial demo map, so that you don't start with an empty map list ...

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Erikas story por Mind Map: Erikas story

1. Asa West Mod 4a5b

2. Character bookmarks

2.1. Bookmark 3

2.2. Erika because she was saved.

2.3. No because I dont know anybody like her.

2.4. I would feel weird because I dont know what happened back then.

2.5. That Erika is a nice person.

2.6. Somebody dies and know they have to fight back because it was somebody important.

3. Important symbols

3.1. Train - The train is where Erikas family is traped.

3.2. Barbed wire - The wire that was around the windows of the train

4. Important statements

4.1. I was saved from the Holocaust

4.2. Erika

5. Theme bookmarks

5.1. Bookmark 31

5.2. The germans took control over the jews

5.3. The germans didnt like jews.

6. Keywords

6.1. Holocaust

6.1.1. typhus

6.2. Erika

6.2.1. ghetto

6.3. 1944

6.3.1. jews

7. My personal thoughts

7.1. Why do they not like jews, they are people too.