WindowsPlast ICT 2014 (by Pablo Taipe)

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WindowsPlast ICT 2014 (by Pablo Taipe) por Mind Map: WindowsPlast ICT 2014 (by Pablo Taipe)

1. Sales & Customer support and tracking

1.1. Sales & Service Cloud, Salesforce

1.2. - Extremely powerful for increasing customer loyalty & engagement - Communicate customers through social media - Create better relationships with your customers - Make better forecasts through analytics

1.3. The technical support department can have better results because the information they receive is more accurate than ever before.

1.4. Link:

2. Telecommunications Cost

2.1. Greenhouse Telecom

2.2. - Specializes in telecom cost reduction - Gives advice on how to save money and use use the existing facilities more effectively - Outstanding customer service

2.3. This service will help the company to solve the telecommunications costs problem. This is of the highest priority because of how much the sales division and the technical support department use it.

2.4. Link:

3. Sales Mobility

3.1. Oracle’s Sales Mobility Solutions, Oracle

3.2. - CRM Data is always and everywhere consultable - Ease of use of the solution

3.3. The solution gives the salespersons the opportunity to consult CRM Data any time and anywhere. This data is automatically updated so everyone using it has the right information and the company can stay organized.

3.4. Link:

4. Training

4.1. Global Knowledge

4.2. - Customised training - Examines the real needs of the business and modifies the training program based on this - Better efficiency of employees

4.3. The employees will be trained and the company will become stronger. "Knowledge is Power" - Sir Francis Bacon, English Philosopher.

4.4. Link:

5. Mail & Instant Messaging

5.1. Microsoft Exchange, Microsoft

5.2. - Integrated Instant Messaging capabilities - User-friendly Interface - Organization tools

5.3. Microsoft Exchange has an extended amount of other tools like agenda, ant-spam tools, etc. It's also very to use and has a professional looking interface. The employees will be able to adjust themselves very easily.

5.4. Link:

6. Collaboration & Documents

6.1. SugarSync

6.2. - Excellent for sending files to other people - Great security so nobody can access your company's files - Working on same projects with different users is incredibly easy

6.3. Because SugarSync is also a Back-up service, the company can cut down the costs if it uses the same application for collaboration & documents, so no unnecessary costs are made with an other service

6.4. Link:

7. Back-Up

7.1. SugarsSync

7.2. - Best option for businesses - Cheaper than other services like Dropbox - Excellent customer support - Easy to use - Content in the cloud can be accessed with different devices

7.3. Cheap prices, which can help to reduce the business costs

7.4. Link: