Balance of Power

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Balance of Power por Mind Map: Balance of Power

1. Executive/Presidential

1.1. Powers Over JB

1.1.1. Nominates Supreme Court Justices PLA

1.1.2. Being responsible for carrying-out judicial decisions, EB has the potential to change how a ruling is implemented PLA

1.1.3. Ability to pardon Supreme Court Justices convicted by LB PLA

1.2. Powers Over LB

1.2.1. Power to Veto legislation passed by LB* PJA

1.2.2. Power to execute laws passed by LB as interpreted by EB PJA

2. Legislative/Congressional

2.1. Powers Over EB

2.1.1. Ability to investigate the EB actions & Impeach the President PJA

2.1.2. Ability to override EB Vetos PJA

2.1.3. Must ratify presidential treaties & approve judicial nominations

2.1.4. Only branch responsible for raising and distributing funds to the EB.

2.2. Powers Over JB

2.2.1. Can initiate constitutional amendments to avoid JB interference.

2.2.2. Ability to Impeach JB officials

3. Judicial/Supreme Court

3.1. Powers Over EB

3.1.1. Can order a ruling of constitutionality on Executive Orders PJA

3.1.2. Can order a ruling of constitutionality on Executive actions PJA

3.1.3. Can declare actions of president unlawful PJA

3.2. Powers Over LB

3.2.1. Right to review congressional legislation PEA

3.2.2. Power to decide on legal disputes arisen from Congressional action PEA

4. spaceman