Why a global language?

This is a mind map in which explain English as a global language.

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Why a global language? por Mind Map: Why a global language?

1. English as a lingua franca

1.1. Is a language that is adopted as a common language between speakers whose native languages are different.

1.2. This role plays the following languages:

1.2.1. Swahili

1.2.2. Arabic

1.2.3. Spanish

1.2.4. French

1.2.5. English

1.2.6. Hindi

1.2.7. Portuguese

1.3. English is the official language in a lot of organizations worldwide due to its universality.

1.3.1. Here, there is a list of some of these organizations: The United Nations, (UN) North Atlantic Treaty Organization, (NATO) The Red Cross International Monetary Fund (IMF) International Olympic Committee (IOC/CIO) The European Union (EU) United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)

1.4. English is the language of air travel because pilots use English to communicate between them and with the air traffic control.

1.5. English is the language of sports because many sports have their origins in English-speaking countries.

2. Dangers of a Global Language

2.1. Linguistic power

2.2. Linguistic complacency

2.3. Language death

3. Standard English

3.1. Edward Sapir

3.1.1. Standard English as an ideal linguistic entity dominating the speech habit of each group.

3.2. Is not the possession of any social, cultural, ethic group, or region in particular.

3.3. Focuses on the quality of English that people speak and write to transmit a message clearly to different kinds of people.

4. Is a common system of communication

4.1. A "Global Language"will

4.1.1. ease the communication barriers

4.1.2. save time and money, teaching only one language

4.1.3. eliminate misuderstandings

4.2. Finding a "Universal Language"

4.2.1. Between 1880 and 1907 there were no less than 53 artificial languages

4.2.2. In 1889, the "Volapuk" language claimed clearly a million adherents

4.2.3. Finally, the best effort is the artificial language "Esperanto", created by Warsow. It has: 16 rules no definite articles no irregular verbs no illogical spellings

5. Why English?

5.1. To be a "Global Language" needs to be prominent in:

5.1.1. Goverment

5.1.2. Law Court

5.1.3. Media

5.1.4. Educational System

5.2. English is spoken in 75 countries worldwide.

5.3. In 1996, English replaced French as the first foreign language.

5.4. English plays a major role in the world. For example:

5.4.1. Technology

5.4.2. Business

5.4.3. Research

5.4.4. Entertainment

5.5. Learning English is one of the top skills that the world demans today.

6. English has a major role in the world

6.1. Current studies show:

6.1.1. 1.35 billion people speak English as a native laguage in 75 countries around the world.

6.1.2. In 142 countries in the world English is teached as a foreign language, is part of the Educational program.