How to Thrive in Church!

New Book Ideas

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How to Thrive in Church! por Mind Map: How to Thrive in Church!

1. Improve what is there!

2. Offer a sample!

3. Become vulnerable

4. Pray with others

5. Have difficult conversations (when necessary)

6. Appreciate others!

7. Understand the big picture!

8. Serve the local church

9. Support your leaders!

10. Know the church vision and mission

11. Know Who's Who

12. Use your gifts and talents

13. Grow in favor with God AND man!

14. Serve! How can I help?

15. Remember why you are there!

16. Understand the Fivefold Ministry!

17. Why Church?

18. Serve the Global Church!

19. When to move on!

20. How to move on!