STEM - Success Through Efficiency Maximazation

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STEM - Success Through Efficiency Maximazation por Mind Map: STEM - Success Through Efficiency Maximazation

1. Step 1. Employee Submits Idea

1.1. STEM Facilitator acknowledges submission within 24-48 hours with Thank You Card

1.2. STEM Facilitator sets up meeting with employee to refine submission and complete cost benefit analysis

2. Long Term Purpose

2.1. Create a company culture that encourages and facilitates an avenue for all employees to submit ideas for new projects, process improvement, and sales growth

3. Short Term Initiative (launch within 60 days).

3.1. Focus in on employee ideas for efficiency improvement. Intent is to improve empowerment by giving all employees an avenue to submit process improvement ideas. We are beginning with a narrow focus for the program. Once success is proven at this level, the program can be expanded to the “Long Term Purpose”.

4. STEM Managment

4.1. Assign STEM Coordinator to lead program and work with the STEM Facilitators

4.2. Hand pick STEM Facilitators for major departments throughout the company. (inbound, outbound, accounting, sales & marketing, customer service, purchasing, will call, corona, MN)

4.3. STEM Facilitators would be allocated 1-3 hours a week to assist with submissions, training and project management. *varied depending on each department's needs.

4.3.1. Recognize each submission within 24-48 hours with a Thank You Card and direction for next step.

4.4. All STEM Facilitators trained on a monthly basis.

5. Step 2. Benefit & Cost Analysis

5.1. 90 day plan: All ideas submitted would go through the entire process regardless of $ amount.

5.2. Once everything is evaluated at the 90 Day mark the guidelines below can be implemented.

5.3. If said benefit is clear and the cost is less than $500 - present to supervisor for approval.

5.3.1. Approved create STEM TIP items, identify stakeholders and deadlines for completion.

5.3.2. Not Approved Revise idea or decline

5.4. If said benefit is clear and cost is greater than $500 - get assistance from STEM Coordinator and Finance department

5.4.1. Approved Create STEM TIP items, identify stakeholders and deadlines for completion.

5.4.2. Not Approved Revise idea or decline

6. Employee Engagement

6.1. All employees allocate 1 hour a week to collaborate on process improvements with other employees.

7. Recognition

7.1. Employee receives Thank You card for submitting an idea.

7.2. Every submission put on a board in the breakroom

7.2.1. Show results of successful ideas that are implemented