Meeting the challenges of an Aging Population.

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Meeting the challenges of an Aging Population. por Mind Map: Meeting the challenges of an Aging Population.

1. Smaller security forces

1.1. Goals

1.1.1. Goal 1

1.1.2. Goal 2

1.2. Rules

1.2.1. Session Rule 1

1.2.2. Session Rule 2

1.3. Define Problems

1.4. Capture Ideas

1.5. Prioritize Ideas

1.6. Define Action Points

2. Demand for more healthcare and social services

2.1. Problem 1

3. Reduction in competitiveness

3.1. Idea 1

3.1.1. Sub Idea 2

3.2. Idea 2

4. Prioritize Ideas

4.1. High Priority

4.2. Medium Priority

4.3. Low Priority

5. Meeting the challenges of an aging population

5.1. Senior citizens as assets to society

5.1.1. by 2030, about 19% of singapore's populattiom will be over the age of 65. The challenge would be to ensure that these people remain contributing members of society. Senior citizens have valuable skills, knowledge, talent and work experience. If given opportunities, they will add value to public and private organisations and help boost family life.

5.2. "Many helping hand ' approach

5.2.1. Singapore adopts the 'Many Helping Hands' approach whereby everyonje has a part to play in help the