Group Task (v1)

This is a visual summary of the model of group roles observed in Williams, Morgan, & Cameron (2011).

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Group Task (v1) por Mind Map: Group Task (v1)

1. Leader

1.1. Gets the process started

1.2. Keeps everyone on task

2. Supportive worker

2.1. Understands the group task

2.2. Understands how this team functions

2.3. Moves the group toward the goal

3. Spoiler

3.1. Interrupts

3.2. Ignores

3.3. Disrupts

4. Wannabe leader

4.1. says bossy things but doesn't put in any work

5. Coat-tails

5.1. pretends to work but doesn't really

6. Agreeable enabler (who does the work that others aren't doing, without complaint)

7. Key: White text on dark blue background represents constructive roles in groups.

8. Gray text on pink background represents unconstructive roles.