1. Requisitos
1.1. Conta no Google Cloud
1.1.1. Com conta Google Criar projeto
1.2. Preencher Formulário
1.2.1. Usar mesmo email do Cloud Usar o mesmo email do domínio
1.3. Responder o primeiro email
1.3.1. **Pergunta** Hi Lucas, We received a allowlist application form requesting access to the Business Profile API. Please confirm by replying to this email that you submitted the application form. We will proceed with the review of your application once we receive your confirmation. If you didn't request access to the Business Profile API, please let us know immediately. Thanks, The Business Profile API team **Resposta:** Yes, i confirm that i fill out Google MyBusiness API Request Application Form. **Confirmação:** Congratulations! Your project has been approved to use the Business Profile API! To get started using the APIs, please review our Basic Setup guide. You can use the Business Profile API support page to contact support as well as find our community forum, where you can submit questions, give feedback, and discuss with your fellow developers how to best make use of the Business Profile API. Please take the time to review our policies and note that you shouldn't make any statements or distribute press releases regarding your use of the API which suggests partnership with, sponsorship, or endorsement by Google unless you have obtained prior written approval from Google. Thanks, The Business Profile API team