Tree Farm Vision

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Tree Farm Vision por Mind Map: Tree Farm Vision

1. acquisition

2. Who do we want to be?

2.1. Branding

2.1.1. Spurwing greens

2.2. Active Adult?

2.2.1. No, ruled out

2.3. 1st & 2nd Move up community? aka Paramount

2.4. Estate/custom homes

2.4.1. Yes, in back phase

2.5. Entry Level-Value? with high density

3. Project Strategy

3.1. Increase Density?

3.2. Status of Project?

4. Ownership Group Goals?

5. Timing?

5.1. Homebuilding/vertical construction

6. Home building

6.1. Who?

6.1.1. Ted Mason

6.1.2. Capitol building

6.1.3. Mike Mars

7. Sales & Marketing

7.1. Operational Considerations

7.1.1. Staffing

7.2. Strategic Considerations