How we can prepare food before eating?

Just an initial demo map, so that you don't start with an empty map list ...

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How we can prepare food before eating? por Mind Map: How we can prepare food before eating?

1. Peealing

1.1. What we can peel?

1.1.1. onion

1.1.2. potato

1.1.3. cucumber

1.1.4. egg

1.1.5. carrot

2. Slicing

2.1. What we can cut?

2.1.1. bread

2.1.2. cucumber

2.1.3. onion What can happend during cutting the onion? We can cry!

2.1.4. lettuce

2.1.5. tomato

3. Washing

3.1. What do we wash?

3.1.1. vegetable

3.1.2. fruits

3.1.3. mushrooms

3.1.4. meat

4. Cleaning

4.1. What we can clean?

4.1.1. mushrooms

4.1.2. meat

4.1.3. Vegetables

4.1.4. Fruits