Successfully Measuring Vitals By: Changjun Zhang University of Maryland School of Pharmacy

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Successfully Measuring Vitals By: Changjun Zhang University of Maryland School of Pharmacy por Mind Map: Successfully Measuring Vitals By: Changjun Zhang University of Maryland School of Pharmacy

1. Position of cuff

1.1. 1 inch above elbow crease

1.2. Stethoscope not tucked under cuff

2. Determining the point of maximal inflation

2.1. Done by pulse obliteration of the radial pulse

3. before measuring wipe the stethoscope with rubbing alcohol

4. When taking measurement inflate the BP cuff to 20-30 mmHg above the pulse obliteration

5. Slowly deflate cuffs

5.1. Deflate at at rate of 2-4mmHg per second

5.2. Deflate until 10mmHg below diastolic reading

6. Systolic is first two consistent beats

7. Document the following information

7.1. Which arm

7.2. What position

7.3. Systolic/Diastolic mmHg

7.4. Measurements only in even numbers

8. Made by Changjun Zhang University of Maryland school of pharmacy

9. Selecting Appropriate Cuff

9.1. Bladder of cuff is 80% of arm circumference

10. Patient Position

10.1. Legs not crossed

10.2. arm at heart level

10.3. rested for 5 minutes