Benefits of Mindmeister

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Benefits of Mindmeister por Mind Map: Benefits of Mindmeister

1. Learning (Learning languages)

1.1. Revise old lessons, prepare for the exam. E.g: If after each lesson, we make a mindmap about main things we've just learned. So, after finishing the course, we will have a collection of core things which is needed for the exam. The mindmaps will help us remember things quiker without missing any important information, instead of reading all information writen in the book.

1.2. Boost our memory. E.g: when we learn about tenses in English, it's very hard to remember all 12 tenses. But if we make a mindmap with each branch is a tense and then a form followed by small branch with an example. It will help us remember for a long time in a logical way

1.3. Useful for group learning. E.g: A group of 3 students has to make a presentation about ''effect of music on human health''. Then they can make a mindmap with 3 big branches standing for 3 main ideals.. Each student has to develop 1 main ideal. Instead of writing on saperate paper, each member can add more details to their part without retyping using share tool.

1.4. • Increase creativity. After making a lot of mindmaps, sudent will dradually develop their critical thinking skill and increase creativity

2. Study/ Research

2.1. Convenience

2.1.1. E.g: If students are working on a project together, they can work on mind maps simultaneously like instant messaging. If their partner makes a change, it instantly shows up on the other' s screen. Therefore, you will be able to see exactly what your friend has changed. This is especially useful for people who cannot easily meet up to discuss their ideas.

2.2. Time-saving

2.3. E.g: If you are doing a research or graduation thesis, your supervisor can easily correct your outline by adding or removing ideas, and you don't have to type all again

2.4. The mindmap can be exported in powerpoint or pdf file which can be used for off line important presentations or discussion with supervisor.

3. Education (Teaching languages)

3.1. Introducing new lesson. E.g: When teaching about different kinds of essay, teacher can use mindmeister to make a mindmaps to divide essay into 3 main types:: opinion, argumentative, and process essay. With each kind, teacher can use small branches or arrow to point out main features, which is clearer for students to see and learn from.

3.2. Assign tasks, explain concepts graphically. E.g: when teaching about pollution, teacher can explain concepts of different kinds of pollution using pictures::

3.3. Mornitor students' progress. E.g: Teacher can use mindmap to record student' result after each month ( Each branch is student's result after each month)l. After a semester, teacher can easily compare students' resut during that semester without missing any weeks.

3.4. Useful in teaching complex topics which often require logical thinking.